Providing affordable student housing since 1932

Amenities Reimbursement Form

This is the form filled out every month by the house treasurer for any house amenities expenses that have already been paid for.

  • Attach the receipts or you will not be reimbursed. Do not list anything except amenities. List all the items separately and with as much information as possible. Amenities reimbursement is available ONLY for items your house approves. Minutes from your house meeting approving the expenditures must be attached.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 128 MB.
    • Attach the receipts or you will not be reimbursed. Do not list anything except amenities.

      List all the items separately and with as much information as possible. Amenities reimbursement is available ONLY for items your house approves. Minutes from your house meeting approving the expenditures must be attached.

    • MM slash DD slash YYYY