Providing affordable student housing since 1932

Employee Handbook Agreement

Employee Handbook Agreement

Electronic Employee Handbook delivery and acknowledgment of receipt

Step 1 of 2

  • November 3rd 2020

    Hi all, 
    Many, many, many years in the making - here is our Employee Handbook for review and acknowledgement of receipt. Please see and download the attached document. 


    Today: The ICC Employee Handbook is distributed.

    Please request a paper copy if you want one, and I'll get one printed for you. 

    Today through Friday, November 13th - YOU will read the handbook, ask any questions you have, and then complete the Employee Receipt of the Employee Handbook.

    Friday, November 13th - the Employee Receipt of the Employee Handbook is due to Nick, GM. 

    Winter Term 2021 - A date will be set to review the handbook, give feedback, and suggest updates. 


    The document / handbook is NOT perfect. Most handbooks need consistent updating and we'll set a date in winter term to review the handbook. This was written to balance the required sections and make the handbook appropriate for a co-op employee. It should be noted that several times this past year, staff were given the opportunity to review, comment, and offer suggestions for the handbook. Thanks to those who did. 

    I am so excited to make our employment experience and culture better by having this Employee Handbook. I hope it helps everyone!


    On page 6, it has been clarified: Full-time employees under state law work between 30-40 hours per week and employees working under 30 hours are part-time employees. 
