Providing affordable student housing since 1932

2023-2024 Housing: Current members

2023-2024 Early Bird contract signing information.

Current members must have a balance of $250 or less by November 14, 2022, or have an approved ICC payment plan on file.  A  member who does not meet these requirements will have their application processed. However, a contract will not be issued.

Current members can submit an application for Early Bird Contracts beginning 12:00 am, Monday, November 14, 2022. The following contracts are available for signing:

  • Spring/summer + Fall/winter 
  • Fall/winter
  • Fall Term

(Spring/summer contracts, including Spring Term or Summer Term, will be available for signing March 2023.

Members can apply to stay in their current house or room, or can apply for a different house or room. Specific room signing is only applicable to Escher and Baker House.

Members must submit proof of student status when applying. Current class schedules can be uploaded into an application. Non-student approval renewal is not needed, unless a member is switching house or their approval has expired.

Baker House’s designation is a graduate house; current undergraduates and non-student members in other houses applying for Baker will not be able to sign a contract until May 1, 2023.

Early Bird contracts must be signed no later than 4:00 pm, December 15, 2022.


Early Bird Dates:
November 14, 2022:    First day to submit applications for Early Bird Contracts.

November 14, 2022:    Early Bird Contracts will be issued to members signing for their current house or current Baker/Escher room.

December 5, 2022:      Early Bird Contracts will be issued to members signing for a different house, or same house but different Baker/Escher room.

December 15, 2022:    Last day to submit applications for Early Bird Contracts (Deadline 12:00 pm).

December 15, 2022:    Signed Early Bird Contracts are due back to the Housing Department by 4:00 pm.



Thank you,

Housing Department


(updated 11/7/22)