ICC Contract Release Information
A current member is responsible for paying all monthly charges and completing all work requirements until they have been officially released. Please begin the process by consulting Chapter 7 of the ICC Standing Rules in conjunction with these guidelines under the policies section.
Contract Release Request Forms and tip sheets for finding suitable replacements are available online at Forms. Submitting this form only means you allow the ICC to advertise your space. By itself it is not a petition to the Contract Release Committee (Release Option Two), and you are still responsible for paying charges until officially released.
You will be notified of your release by the Housing Department when:
- Your replacement has completed the signing process;
- The Contract Release Committee has notified you of your release;
- You have paid the Contract Buyout fee and your payment has cleared the banking process.
For more information contact Director housing services at dhs@icc.coop.
Actively recruit a new member to sign for your space. A suitable replace is defined as
- a prospective member who has not had prior contact with the ICC Housing Dept; or
- anyone NOT currently under contract to the ICC, only if a house is full.
Members are advised to meet with the Director of Housing Services (dhs@icc.coop) prior to initiating a contract release petition. Contract Release Committee (CRC) generally does not grant releases outside of the automatic releases described below, except in the most unusual circumstances. The CRC may automatically release a member from all contractual obligations for the following documented reasons:
- Draft into the armed forces,
- Flunked out of school and leaving Ann Arbor,
- uninhabitable Room as defined in SR 15.8,
- Debilitating illness or hospitalization that prohibits a member from living in the ICC,
- Death.
Your petition to CRC must include a Personal statement of your specific reason(s) for leaving and supporting documentation of all claims. Documents should be emailed directly to the Director of Housing services (dhs@icc.coop), mailed to the ICC Office c/o Contract Release Committee, 337 E. William Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, brought to the ICC Central Office.
Your personal statement should include all of the following information documentation listed below:
- Today’s date;
- Your name;
- Your ICC House;
- The contract period and exact dates for which you are seeing contract release. Dates can be retroactive (prior to Petition submission date);
- Your future contact information (forwarding/permanent address, e-mail address, phone, etc.);
- The specific reasons you are seeking a contract lease;
- (Optional) A letter from a house officer (President, Key holder, Treasurer, etc.) that supports your reason for leaving the co-op, preferably describing any efforts you put into recruiting a new member to replace you;
- Definitive written documentation supporting your reasons for seeking a release documents that substantiate your reasons for leaving such as
- Medical documentation
- Financial documentation
- University or governmental documentation
- Any other relevant information.
When you have completed the checklist requirements below your release will be considered, and you will be notified, in a timely manner. All documents are kept in secure confidential files. You will be notified if the Contract Release Committee requires additional information. If you have not heard from the ICC within 30 days, please contact the Director of Housing Services at dhs@icc.coop.
A contract buyout is a fee paid to the ICC for voiding a contract. Members may buy out a contract in accordance with the rules below. Contact housing services Staff for more details at info@icc.coop.
- A Contract Buyout Fee is equal to 2 month’s worth of ICC, Utilities, and House charges.
- Members who buy out must pay their total balance due to the ICC, along with the Contract Buyout Fee, in order to be released.
- Cashier checks, money orders, or online payments are the only forms of payment accepted for contract buyouts.
- Contract Buyouts are NOT permitted for Spring or Summer Term contracts.
- Shares are returned once a member’s account balance is $0.
- Ask your House to release you from House Charge Release. The House President should add your request to the next meeting agenda.
- Individual co-ops may release members from house charges according to house constitutional procedures, but Houses cannot release members from ICC and Utilities charges.
- If your house releases you, have your house treasurer complete the House Charge Release Form and submit it to the ICC Finance Department.
- A Fall/Winter house may release members from house charges for fall/winter or spring/summer contract periods; a spring-summer house may release a member from house charges for spring-summer; fall-winter contract releases can be done only with the approval of the Operations Committee.