Providing affordable student housing since 1932

Online Housing Application

For the Fall/winter contract period, guaranteed singles are available only at Baker House, Escher House, and King Apartment House. All other ICC Houses assign rooms through an internal seniority process.

Membership Process

  1. Read Reasons Why ICC & Co-ops and FAQs
  2. Read House Biographies and narrow your choices down to 6-7 houses.
  3. Visit your houses.
  4. Check availability for the Contract Period you wish to sign for.
  5. Submit your application; either a New Application or Renewal application.
  6. Sign up for a Contract signing appointment (if applicable).
  7. Sign your ICC contract. Member shares and membership fee due at time of signing.
  8. Contact your House President for move-in instructions.


Students: The following applicants shall be considered students

    • Undergraduate students enrolled at least half time in an accredited educational institution
    • Graduate students officially recognized by their departments as active participants in their programs
    • Visiting scholars
    • Participants in the ICPSR program
    • Access International students
    • ICC employees covered by the ICC Administrative Contract
    • NASCO employees
    • Participants in other academic programs determined to be eligible by the Operations Management Committee

Non-students: Non-students must be approved by the house for which they wish to sign a contract before the contract may be validated by the ICC.

Minors: Any minor who is not emancipated and wishes to sign a contract with the ICC must have the contract co-signed by their parent or guardian.  In such cases the parent or guardian will bear ultimate responsibility for the fulfillment of the contract.

Fall/winter 2024-25 (August 23, 2024 – May 4, 2025)

Winter 2025 (January 1, 2025 –  May 4, 2025)

Before you can apply for housing at our properties, you must create your own member account. The process requires you to complete an online application, which includes paying a $25 non-refundable application fee. Upon completion of the application, you will be directed to complete a form for your housing choices.

New Application instructions

  1. You will need the following to complete your application:
    1. Proof of student status (pdf or word document);
    2. Income qualification Documentation;
    3. Payment method for the $25 Non-refundable application fee. (International students and Spring/summer applicants exempt).
  2. Review your application received confirmation email. You will need your application number for step three.
  3. Complete Contract Renewal request form. You will be asked for the following information:
    1. Application number
    2. Contract period
    3. Move-in date
    4. Move-out date
    5. Top 5 housing choices. If you selected Baker or Echer, you should enter either specific rooms or room tiers.
  4. Review your Contract Renewal form email.


(updated 10/9/2024)