Providing affordable student housing since 1932

Escher Resources

Orientation Toolkit

Escher houses 100+ people. This makes it the largest house of the Inter-Cooperative Council. As a result, new members can use extra help navigating the house culture and structure. ICC-T: Creative Communications Team and Escher house officers collaborated to create this orientation toolkit.

The Escher Information Station (pictured below) hosts physical copies of these materials. New members can find this board at the west entrance by the main office. Its guides and charts are linked below for digital access. To continue the collaborative nature of this orientation board, email ICC-T at or your house officers at with any community feedback you have.

A Quick Guide to Escher Cooperative House explains the house culture, member expectations, leadership structure, and house policies.

A Quick Guide to Escher Cooperative House

Escher Welcome Pamphlet provides the information from the quick guide in a format easily shareable with house members. Contact the ICC-T: Creative Communications Team at to obtain more physical copies if there are none available at the Escher Information Station.

Escher Welcome Pamphlet Pg 1
Escher Welcome Pamphlet pg 2

Escher Governance Chart illustrates the leadership structure of Escher house officers. Their contact info is provided. More information on the duties of the house officers here.

Escher Gov Chart Image

Escher Fine Policy Chart outlines the policy for work fines. Make sure to do your chores and coordinate with your Work Manager for scheduling so you don’t accrue any.

Fine policy chart

Use Escher Basement Map to find shared/common areas. Use Escher First Floor Map and Escher Second Floor Map to find your room and suite common areas.

Read this notice to understand the ICC’s early share return policy.

Early Share Returns Form Flyer