Providing affordable student housing since 1932

Social Chairs (SC)

This page is currently under construction and a guide for folks—if you’d like to update please contact

This team exists to serve the members of their houses by organizing ICC events, house events, and improving the social atmosphere and inclusivity in their house.

The Social Chair Team will utilize shared resources by encouraging social chairs to collaborate on social events to connect with other ICC houses. They will also educate its members who will be expected to adhere to ICC party policies.

Members who serve on this team will focus on catering to house desires for social activities. Each social chair will also utilize the educational materials provided through the support of the Social Chair Team (SCT) to facilitate (or co-facilitate with other house leadership) one training per semester on the themes of bystander intervention, substance use, or identity.

The SCT should also reflect critically upon the social climate of the ICC and how to better it.

A.One of the Social Chair’s primary responsibilities is to schedule and organize social events within their house. This may also include organizing field trips, house progressives, and social events with other ICC houses or organizations.

B. Social Chairs are required to attend Cooperative Leadership Training (CLT)

C. The other primary responsibility is to facilitate (or co-facilitate) one in-house workshop per semester on the themes of bystander intervention, substance use, or identity to enhance the quality of life at the ICC as well as ICC events.

D. Social Chairs must attend regular meetings where all ICC SCs gather to share ideas, collaborate for specific events, establish plans for large events, and receive facilitation support.

E. Social Chairs, along with the House Presidents should monitor house culture and work to maintain a safe and inclusive community.

F. The team must ensure that social chairs submit the required ICC forms for public social events.

G. Educate party managers on party safety and adhere to the ICC party policy SR 12.6

H. Submit event information for publication per the established process

How do we earn our weekly hour of Member Assistance?

In order to receive your weekly hour of member assistance, you will
a) attend the remaining 3 meetings and
b) conduct an in-house/event or workshop centered around the themes of these meetings.
All hours for the “off-weeks” where we do not have a meeting will be entered as soon as you host your event/workshop. Please send an event description and summary and maybe a few photos! This is for a slideshow to be presented to the Board of Directors.

What if I have a conflict with the meeting time?

As there are so many people, there will likely not be a time chosen where every person will have availability to meet.
If you mark you are not available, and that time is selected anyway, you will be emailed a makeup assignment.
If you indicate that you are available during the time that is chosen and miss the meeting, you will not be given makeup work and will have missed that hour (emergencies are of course exempt, however, having too much homework is not exempt).

Why don't we have a standard meeting time every week?

As this is the first time the social chair team has been formed, as well as onboarding a new member assistance coordinator, communications between houses, MA, and myself have been a bit delayed. In addition, we have guest presenters and facilitators nearly every week whose schedules we must accommodate, so a standard meeting time is not doable at the moment, however we hope to do this next semester.

When will the meetings be?

Three “WhenisGood’s” will be sent out early this week. Fill them out by Friday Oct 25. The remaining meeting dates will then be announced via both email and Groupme early next week.

When do I schedule my in-house event/workshop?

Whenever works well for you and your housemates.

How do I get people to attend? How do I get money to fund this event?

Food can be a great way! Think pizza party or ice cream social. Contact the Marketing Committee at for more information on how to get $100 for your event. (Rebecca, the VP of Marketing will also be giving a presentation on this at the next meeting)

Do I need to bring anything to the social chair team meetings?

Nothing is required, but if a laptop, pen and paper, or other device is helpful for you to engage with the meeting, please feel free to bring it!

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