Treasurers (TR)
Contact Info
Finance Department Contact Info
Director of Financial Services Vacant Email: Office: Direct: |
Assistant to the Director of Financial Services Mary Buescher Email: Direct: 734-474-5993Accounts Payable Coordinator Kyle LaChance Email: Office: 734-372-7305 |
VP of Finances Chair of Finance Committee Email: |
Treasurer Contact Info
Listserv | |
Baker | |
Black Elk | |
Debs | |
Escher | |
Gregory | |
Linder | |
Luther | |
MichMinnies | |
Nakamura | |
Osterweil | |
Owen | |
Rivera | |
Ruths’ | |
Truth | |
Vail | |
ICC Finance Basics
- Monthly charges are due on the 1st of each month
- Members pay their charges online via RentManager (found on ICC website member portal)
- If a member account has a balance greater than $50 by the 6th of the month, the Finance Department will give that member at $15 late fine
- If a member account has a balance greater than $50 by the 15th of the month and they are NOT enrolled in an approved payment plan, the ICC will issue a Tier 1 Notice-to-Quit (NTQ), which is the preliminary step to the starting of the formal eviction process on the basis on non-payment
- Members can forestall the eviction process by enrolling in a payment plan and making timely payments in compliance with the rules; payment plans are meant to help members experiencing temporary financial disruption continue to make payments, and will NOT lead to a reduction in charges owed
- There are limited need-based scholarships available; see the Scholarships section for more info
What are Monthly Charges?
- ICC Charges: Covers staff pay, maintenance, taxes, supplies, and committee spending. ICC charges also include socialized utilities that are the same for everyone in the ICC.
- Internet, electricity, water, sewer, gas, and trash/recycling are included.
- House Charges: Decided at the beginning of a semester during a house meeting. Treasurers (YOU!) and the house food stewards will lead their houses in this decision
Overview of Responsibilities
House Budget:
- Needs to be voted on and approved at a house meeting and sent to the Finance Department by SEPTEMBER 28TH 2021! This is a hard deadline and if you miss it, your house may be fined!
- We have a budget template for you to use
- Start with last year’s budget
- September house charges were estimated by the Finance Department
- Your budget will include September charges already paid and your newly calculate house charges will start in October
Formulating the Food Budget:
- Develop this with your food steward
- Start with last year’s food budget
- Figure out if vendors have any significant changes with food costs and inflation
- Include a safety factor of 1.5% over what you expect to spend so that you over-budget instead of under-budget
- Talk to house members about what they want to eat and how much they want to eat
Staying Within the Food Budget:
- Divide your food budget into weekly allotments
- Keep track of how much you’re spending and on what
- Keep track of how much you’ve spent and how much you have left
- Keep good inventory
- Order in bulk
- Preserve your food
- It is normal to overspend on food during the first month — don’t be alarmed!
House Charges Release:
- Any house can vote at a house meeting to release a member from their house charges obligations.
- Treasurers must submit the House Charges Release Form to the Finance Department with the house meeting minutes, the house vote results, and two signatures on a paper form.
- Keep in mind that if your house votes to release a member from their house charge obligations, house charges for the rest of the members will increase. As treasurer, you should calculate the increase to the remaining member charges for each house vote regarding a house charge release request.
Monthly Duties:
When? | What You Need To Do: |
Between the 1st and the 5th of each month |
By the 15th of each month |
Throughout the month |
Managing Owner Web Access
- Treasurers have access to Owner Web Access (OWA) version of RentManager
- OWA gives you access to much more than what other members can see on RentManager
- You can see the rent roll, the house roster, the member charge delinquency reports, and balance due reports
- Every month you should monitor these reports and ask yourself:
- Is everyone at the house on the rent roll? Are there any extra people? Has anyone left?
- Has everyone been charged the right amount?
- Does everyone have the correct balance?
- Does anyone need a reminder to pay their charges?
- Let the ICC Finance Department know if there are problems!
Monthly Reports:
- Treasurers receive their house bank account statement, house credit card statement, amenities account report, and house spending report
- Treasurers use the above information to reconcile their credit card account and bank account
- Treasurers bring in their monthly reports to the Finance office, which includes:
- Monthly report form (monthly expense summary and bank account reconciliation form)
- All check stubs and receipts for any checks written for direct vendor payment or member reimbursement
- All receipts from house credit card purchases and purchases made with personal funds
- All maintenance and amenities fund reimbursement request forms
Amenities Fund:
- The House Amenities Fund is money that the ICC holds in trust for each of the houses.
- You can spend this money on any long-term improvements to the house as long as your house members agree.
- The items purchased through the House Amenities Fund are used to benefit present AND future members.
- All amenities fund purchases MUST be approved by house members at a house meeting.
Amenities Fund Reimbursements:
- Steps to spending amenities money:
- We will send you a report of how much money is in your amenities fund each month.
- Vote to approve purchase at a house meeting.
- Purchase item—either pay directly with a house check or write a check to reimburse an individual who paid out of pocket. You can also use a credit card or order online, if you tell us.
- Fill out an Amenities Reimbursement Form. Attach meeting minutes, receipts, and carbon copy of the check used for the purchase.
- Bring all the paperwork to the Finance Office with your monthly treasurer report. We will take the money out of your amenities fund and credit it to the house. This will take place behind the scenes—you won’t see a deposit into your account.
Maintenance Reimbursements:
- Ask before you spend as many items are covered by ICC collected funds, but maintenance funds are limited!
- Items paid for by the ICC need to be approved by Geoff Mayers in maintenance.
- Each house also has limited funds allocated for landscaping.
- Include all maintenance reimbursement forms with monthly treasurer reports
Treasurer's Monthly Report
Toggle content goes here, click edit button to change this text.
Maintenance Request for Reimbursement
Toggle content goes here, click edit button to change this text.
Where do I Get These Forms?
The ICC office!
- You need to meet with Ann ASAP:
- Get a folder of the forms you need
- Get access to your house bank account
Schedule your meeting day now!
If this does not work, please email to set up a different date and time.
How to Fine House Members:
- House work manager usually tells the treasurer about any house fines
- Ask for the first and last name of the member, the date of the fine, the missed chores, and the amounts to be charged. If you agree with the fines, forward the email from the work manager to the Finance Department.
- If you have a lot of fines, summarize the fines in a spreadsheet
- House fines are due on the 15th of each month!
- If fines are older than 30 days, the Finance Department will not process them!
How to Reimburse House Members:
- Any member may be reimbursed after using their personal funds to make an approved house purchase.
- Food, supplies, amenities purchase, etc.
- You are in charge of reimbursing members via check from the house checkbook.
- You must write the check for the same amount of money shown on the itemized receipt of the purchase. Do not write a check without an itemized receipt of the purchase!
- Keep the carbon copy of the check and update the house receipts tracker form spreadsheet with the check number.
ICC Financial Aid
- F/W MLK Scholarship (students-only) for educational expenses
- Bridge Scholarship (any member) for one-time, unforeseen financial hardship
- COVID-19 Scholarship (any member) for financial struggles directly related to personal contraction or housemate contraction of COVID-19, as well as quarantine housing expenses
Payment Plans:
- Members can sign up for payment plans by providing a schedule of payments that reduces debt by 50% in one month, and 100% in two months as well as proof of income
Covid Emergency Rental Assistance (CERA):
State of Michigan funds to help those struggling to pay their monthly rent during the pandemic. Members fill out a form and GM Nick fills out another form. See full details on ICC website under scholarships.
New Treasurers Checklist
- Login to your Treasurer email. Email to gain access to your email account.
- Attend New House Officer’s Training (NHOT).
- At NHOT get on your house’s UMCU checking account. You will need to bring your photo ID and sign a form so that you can become an authorized signer on your house’s UMCU checking account.
You can view the Treasurer Google Drive folder here.
Responsibilities from House Constitutions
Article III – House Decision Making
D. Finances
1. Setting Budget and Charges. (i) The Treasurer shall propose the House budget early in the year, which will form the basis of future House charges.
3. Exceeding Budget: Treasurer should notify the Officer who runs the budget when they are approaching/exceeding the limits of their budget.
Article VI – Officers
F. Treasurer
- Responsibilities. The Treasurer is responsible for the following:
- Informing Members of due dates for all payments at least seven days in advance;
- Paying all Member refunds and reimbursements;
- Paying all House bills from the House checking account;
- Facilitating the discussion of the House budget, accurately informing and explaining the impact of budget changes on House charges;
- Preparing and submitting for House the final House budget for Member consideration no later than one month after the beginning of each term;
- Reporting Members with overdue charges to the President, and assessing fines; Maintaining the House books and preparing statements as required by the ICC Director of Financial Services;
- Providing the House with regular financial statements and expense reports as necessary;
- Accurately recording fines, credits and all other House variances to Member accounts and communicating them with the ICC;
- Assisting Maintenance Manager and FoodCoordinator with budgeting and ordering supplies, kitchen supplies, and food respectively;
- Serving as liaison between the House and the ICC Financial Coordinator; and
- Reviewing and commenting on all Amenities proposals and their effect on their budget at a House meeting;
- Being a check-signer for the House checking account; and
- The member filling the position of Treasurer shall receive 3 hours of labor credit
Article VIII – Discipline
4. Recording fines.
- The Work Manager, or fining officer, shall inform the Treasurer, President, and fined Member of all levied fines.
- The Treasurer shall keep a record of un-appealed fines for each Member, and inform the ICC.
Ella Baker Graduate House By-Laws
8. Guests.
0. Members may have a guest for dinner for up to 2 consecutive nights without prior notification of the house.
- Guests staying in the House overnight longer than 4 nights per semester shall require House approval. If joining in communal meals and/or using GUFF food supplies, guests shall also pay house charges for their stay (determined by the number of days at Baker multiplied by the daily house charge, as set by House Treasurer), or may work the equivalent labor hours as determined by the ICC living wage.
Black Elk
Sec 2 The Officers and their duties:
F. The treasurer shall formulate the house budget and present it to the house for approval, keep account of all transactions including online rent payments, and make monthly balances of the books. For transparency sake, all treasurer documents should be updated frequently and made available online in the appropriate Google Drives and should only be editable by the treasurer and house president. They are responsible for making financial reports at house meetings. At the beginning of the month, the treasurer is responsible for reminding members of their house and ICC charges. The treasurer shall keep other house officers well informed concerning the financial status of the house and its budget. The treasurer will write check reimbursements to members who have bought house-approved items on personal cards and will oversee house credit card purchases.
Officers to be elected at the first House meeting are outlined in Article Three, Section One. Officers shall receive the following work hours: iii. Treasurer, half work hours
b) The Treasurer
- Prepares and submits the House budget for member consideration at the second House meeting of each term
- Makes financial reports at regular House meetings and when otherwise necessary. Reports must include the names of everyone (current and non-current members) in debt to the House
- Send regular reminders for members to pay House charges, reimburse members for expenses on House goods, keeping a record of all transactions
- Post budget variance each month and notify the House of any surpluses or deficits
- Be in communication with members as officers as necessary to monitor expenses
- Attend ICC finance meetings to regularly assess financial situation of the house.
Article 4: House Labor
4.5. The Work Manager shall inform the Treasurer of fines due to missed, partially completed, or substandard shifts. It shall then be the Treasurer’s job to keep a record of how many fines each member has. Missed shifts accumulate within the previous six month (6 month) period. Thus if a member misses a shift on September 1, that absence would be stricken from the record on March 2.
Article 5: House Officers
5.1.5. Treasurer
- Responsible to President and House.
- Prepares the House budget in consultation with the ICC, any House staff, and the House.
- Presents the House budget for member consideration by September 20th for the Fall/Winter contract period and May 20th for the Spring/Summer contract period.
- Assists ICC Finance Office in maintaining House financial records.
- Reviews rent rolls sent by the ICC.
- Maintains a document of charges, fines and credits.
- Keeps accounts receivable journal of House revenue.
- Tracks and manages cash, check, credit card, and incoming receipts. Pays House bills as needed and maintains the House checkbook.
- Reconciles bank statements to the ledger each month.
- Organizes annual review meeting for any staff member of the House.
Article 8: Finances
8.2.5. Up to $600 per contract period may be spent by officers to repair or replace broken appliances without obtaining house approval. Such purchases must be approved by the Treasurer, President, and one other officer. This must be reported at the next House meeting.
Article V: House Officers and Elected Positions
The officers of the House, and the order of elections shall be as follows:
2b. The Treasurer shall serve from the election in the fall contract period until the end of the winter contract.
5b. Treasurer (full time position)
- Serves as the chief financial officer of the House;
- Prepares and submits the House budget for member consideration at the second House meeting of each term;
- Collects all charges to submit to the ICC, and pays all debts for the House;
- Authorizes purchases of budgeted or appropriated expenditures;
- Maintains accounts in accordance with ICC finance methods and standards as outlined in the ICC Standing Rules, Appendix B: Standards of Bookkeeping for House Treasurers, so that the value of current assets, liabilities, expenses, and equity of the House and the debts of House members can be accurately determined;
- Asks members who are one month behind in charges to sign a loan agreement; vii. Prepares monthly balances, presents the balances at the next House meeting, and prepares all other reports required by the ICC;
- Notifies the House when a member has bad debt;
- Cooperates with other house treasurers and the ICC staff in notifying former members of assessments, rebates, and bad debts;
- Establishes procedures for making House purchases of supplies and equipment;
- Provides financial reports requested by other House officers or by motion at a House meeting;
- Attends all meetings for house treasurers and all ICC officer meetings.
Section 3 – Duties
d. The Treasurer shall:
- Collect monthly and other charges from House members.
- Post member accounts in a timely fashion.
- Pay house bills.
- Write and present the House budget to the House for approval by the members.
- Alert House members of all financial issues which concern them.
IV. Duties of House Officers
c) The Treasurer shall:
- Educate members on the budgetary process and provide relevant financial information/histories. Facilitate a budget meeting to vote on the budget for the semester;
- Make financial reports at regular House meetings and when otherwise necessary;
- Process member fines and additional charges;
- Write reimbursement checks;
- Prepare financial statements meetings;
- Keep up-to-date on House accounts and request transfers as needed;
- Monitor activity on House debit card and check receipts of house purchases. Report any inconsistencies or misuse and confiscate card if necessary;
- Manage House check book. Verify purchases and make payments as needed;
- Assist with closing House books from the previous term;
- Manage amenities fund purchases.
6. House Treasurer:
- Shall fill out financial forms required by the ICC, turn them in on time and make copies for the house records.
- Shall draw up and propose a budget within the first month of the term.
- Shall submit the house budget to the ICC by the deadline.
- Shall reimburse members with house funds for house-approved purchases.
- Shall keep a variance of house funds and shall report a statement to the house monthly. The treasurer shall find errors and report them to the house and the ICC.
- Shall be the point of contact between the house and the entities from which the house makes purchases using the house budget.
- Shall notify the house of monthly charges.
- Shall keep track of all warranty information for house purchases.
- Shall receive 2.5 work hours for this position.
3. Duties of the Community Officers
3.4. The Minister of Finance shall:
3.4.1. Receive four hours of work credit
3.4.2. Collect receipts for the house and reimburse members.
3.4.3. Prepare a budget, keep an account of house money, and make a monthly report on the
3.4.4. financial condition to the house.
3.4.5. Attend all ICC Treasurer Training Meetings.
3.4.6. Notify the house of delinquent bills and bill old members who have unpaid bills.
3.4.7. Maintain a vigilant watch over the house funds and inform the membership if any aspect of the budget gets out of hand
3.4.8. Be responsible for maintaining and distributing Partial Boarding Contracts
Section 4: Officer Records.
c. The Treasurer shall:
- Formulate the House budget and submit it to the House for approval.
- Make financial reports at regular House meetings and when otherwise necessary. Reports must include name of everyone (current and noncurrent members) in debt to the House.
- Prepare financial statements as dictated by the ICC and attend all ICC Treasurers’ meetings.
- Assist with closing the House books from the previous term.
- Work to collect debts from former members of the house.
- Attend appropriate officer trainings.
- Post the Monthly Report in a public place.
- Attend meetings of the House Council.
- Submit a written record at the end of the term to the House President
Sec. 3. Duties of Officers
d. The Treasurer-Accountant shall collect all the money for the house and pay all house bills. S/he shall prepare a budget, keep an account of house money and make mid and end of semester accounts of the financial condition of the house. S/he can charge members double for any phone call not signed for that is found to be theirs. It is his/her duty to bring to the attention of the house any problems members may have with payments. Shall facilitate, or choose facilitator, at House Meetings in case of unexpected absence of President.
Article V: House Officers and Elected Positions
Treasurer: The house treasurer shall prepare a budget and present it to the house at the second house meeting of each term, collect all income and pay all debts for the house, authorize budgeted or appropriated expenditures, establish procedures for making house purchases, prepare monthly balances, present the balances at the next house meeting, prepare all other reports required by the ICC, provide financial reports requested by other house offices or by motion at a house meeting, and purchase administrative supplies. They shall maintain accounts in accordance with ICC methods, so that the value of current assets, liabilities, expenses, and equity of the house and the debts of the house members can be accurately determined. The treasurer shall cooperate with other house treasurers and the ICC staff in notifying former members of assessments, rebates, and bad debts. They shall participate in all meetings for house treasurers and all ICC officer meetings. They shall ask members who are one month behind charges to sign a loan agreement with the house that includes the amount owed, the payment policy, the signatures of the member and two witnesses to that signing, the date and a space for the date in which the house accepts the agreement. The loan agreement must be presented to the house at the next house meeting and approved by one-third of all house members to reach house approval.
Section 3: Duties of the House Officers
e) Treasurer: The treasurer shall formulate the house budget and present it to the house for approval at the beginning of the term in a timely manner, reimburse house members for approved purchases for the house, keep track of financial transactions, submit a monthly financial report to the ICC, be responsible for keeping the house informed on its financial status and tracking monthly budget expenditures, remind members to pay house charges, and direct members who are experiencing financial difficulty to the resources the ICC provides for members in such positions (scholarships, payment plans, etc.). The person holding this position shall receive 2 work hours.
Section C Duties
2) Treasurer shall:
- Keep the House finances in good order.
- Educate the House regarding House and ICC finances.
- Prepare the House budget and submit for House approval.
- Collect charges from members, keeping account of each transaction.
- Pay all House bills, including refunding members who have made House purchases.
- Prepare financial statements as required by the ICC.
- Assist with closing House books from the previous term and rebate or assess pervious members if necessary.
- Serve on an ICC committee, to be assigned by ICC Treasurer.
- Notify the House if the budget seems inaccurate and propose appropriate revisions (to be modified and approved by the House).
- Make a regular financial report of House Meetings and when otherwise necessary. Reports shall include the names of everyone (current and non-current members) in debt to the House.
- Manage the phone bill, posting and collecting long distance charges.
No content in house constitution.
Treasurer (1 person, 2 hrs)
The Treasurer is primarily in charge of house finances. They make sure that each member knows that payments are due at the start of the month, and work with them to create payment plans if monthly payment does not work for them. They create the house budget, working with the Ordering/Food Steward to ensure that we are keeping the house as affordable as possible and getting the food and other supplies we need to live well. The Treasurer educates the rest of the house about how the budget is set and works with them to vote on and create a budget. Every month the Treasurer updates the house about the budget in specific terms and provides charts and other data to transparently show where our money is being spent. The Treasurer is in charge of managing fines that house members might incur and working with them to pay their fines. They must also be aware of how much money we have in the Amenities Fund and offer advice on how to spend it when needed.
Tasks include:
- proposal of house budget at the beginning of each year by working with the food stewards
- alert members of payments due
- help members with payment plans
- educate house members about how budget works
- ensure that we keep the house as affordable as possible while living well
- provide data and visuals of house spending and report out at house meetings
- advise on how to spend amenities fund
As someone interested in taking on this position you may consider these questions:
- How can the house best be educated about the way finances work in a coop?
- How does a cooperative operate differently from other living situations? How can we educate people about the awesome economic benefits of coops?
- How can we reduce costs in the house? What costs are extraneous or can be avoided?
- How can we best keep people up to date about house spending in an accessible way?
House Charges Release
C. Release of a Member from future rights and obligations.
- Automatic. A Member may be automatically released from all future obligations if the member is:
- Drafted into the military of any sovereign country,
- Dies
- Expelled, or
- Released by the ICC Contract Committe
- By Request. Member may request that she be released from all or any specific House obligations, including House Labor and Charges, through the following process: i
- Send an email to the house president with thorough explanation
- The President will add agenda item for next house meeting
- The member will present request at house meeting. House will discuss request and vote in accordance with the house voting procedure
- Releases from obligations may come before, during, or after the dates for which releases are requested
- Release from House charges does not constitute a release from ICC charges, or a release from any other obligations under a Member’s contract with the ICC.
Black Elk
No content in house constitution.
No content in house constitution.
Article 2: Membership
2.7. Release of a member from House charges.
2.7.1. A member shall be released from House charges and House Labor automatically when written documentation of one of the following circumstances is provided:
- The member will be drafted into the United States military. The automatic release shall occur one month before the member is inducted.
- The member has failed out of school. The automatic release shall occur on the date the member leaves the house.
- The member or member’s significant other has become pregnant. The automatic release shall occur on the date the member is notified by their doctor.
- The member dies.
2.7.2. A member may request that they be released from House charges or labor for any reason as follows:
- A written request must be presented to the President. This request must specify the grounds for release, as well as a date when the release would be effective.
- The President shall call an open meeting of the Judiciary Committee to hear the request. This meeting may be replaced with a House meeting if the President and Vice Presidents decide so unanimously.
- The House hears all evidence from the member requesting release, as well as other interested members. The Treasurer shall also provide information on how such a release would impact the House budget. The Work Manager shall also provide information on how such a release would impact the House Labor.
- The Judiciary Committee votes to recommend or not recommend release of the member. The President composes a report which includes all relevant facts and the Committee’s recommendation, and informs all house members.
- At the next regularly scheduled House meeting, the House membership shall decide the issue by in-meeting ballot vote (See Section 3.3). 2.7.3. A member who is released from full House charges is expected to vacate their room and the building on the effective date of the release.
2.7.4. A member leaving the co-op for a period of fourteen (14) consecutive meal-providing days or more shall be automatically released from food charges (this does not include release from labor responsibilities), provided that they notify the Treasurer in writing prior to their departure.
Article II: Membership
5. A motion to release a member from House charges or a motion to allow a member to rescind his/her membership contract with the ICC and the House must be passed by the members of the House according to standard House process in order to take effect.
No content in house constitution.
V. Release from House Charges (see ICC Standing Rule 5.1)
No content in house constitution.
5. Release from House Charges
5.1. Please Refer to ICC Standing Rule 5.1.7 BOARDER RELEASES: “Boarders not residing in ICC houses are automatically released of responsibility for ICC charges if they are completely released from house charges. Under special circumstances, members who room and board within the ICC may be released from the boarding portion of their contract with approval from the boarding house.” (21/05)
5.2. Under special circumstances
5.2.1. All MichMinnie’s members seeking release from house charges or to buy out of their contracts must fulfill the following:
5.2.2. Notify the President prior to a Community meeting of their intention and desire to be released from House charges
5.2.3. Make a good faith effort to find a contract replacement, including (as examples) posting the open spot on social media or classified web sites.
5.2.4. Pay a release fee of $50, intended to treat members to farewell ice cream
5.3. At the next Community meeting, members should vote on releasing the member on the above conditions. The leaving member may choose to offer an explanation for why they believe a release from house charges is justified.
5.4. Any member may call for discussion and a vote on releasing a member of the release fee based on the display of the leaving member’s effort. This is a separate majority vote.
No content in house constitution.
Article VI House Policies
Sec 8 Release from food charges A member who is away from the house for 30 or more non-interim days may petition the house prior to their departure to be released from house food charges for said period.
Article III: House Meetings
Section 7 A motion to release a member from house charges or a motion to allow a member to rescind his membership contract with the ICC and the house must be passed by sixty percent of the members of the house.
No content in house constitution.
Section D Release From House Charges
- General:
- Release from House charges must precede any attempt of a member to gain release from ICC charges.
- Cases should be judged on the basis of the:
- effort made by member to fill her spot, keep the House informed of situation and minimize inconvenience to the House, and,
- extent to which circumstances forcing the member to seek release from House charges were out of his control.
- House members can only release someone from her charges by agreeing to take responsibility for these charges themselves.
- Grounds:
- death,
- pregnancy,
- c. flunked out of school,
- d. draft, or
- extenuating circumstances (considered case by case)
- Procedure:
- Release from House Charges can only occur at an open hearing at a House Meeting, which:
- must be posted four days in advance
- the member in question must be able to attend, send a proxy or willingly waive the right to attend, and
- has quorum present.
- The decision to release someone from house charges:
- May be by secret ballot at the request of a single member.
- Requires the support of two-thirds of the House to pass.
- Release from House Charges can only occur at an open hearing at a House Meeting, which:
No content in house constitution.
Release from House Charges
- If a member would like to be released from house charges, they fill out a replacement request form and consults with the ICC staff member. They have the following options:
- b. Release by Replacement (Standing Rule 5.1.2.). Member is replaced by:
- Recruiting a replacement
- A member from the waitlist
- Release by Contract Release Committee (CRC) (Standing Rule 5.1.4 – 5.1.6).Member is replaced by CRC decision, based on:
- CRC approval of petition
- Release by Buy out (Standing Rule 5.1.3). Member is replaced by paying contract buy out fee:
- i. One and a half month’s charges + shares
- 2 months charges without using shares
Share Returns
When your house members are moving out of the ICC completely remind them to fill out the share return form: . This will get them their $500 in shares back.