The Finance Department staff includes the Accounts Payable and House Finance Coordinator (Kyle LaChance –, the Central Accounting & Compliance Lead (Mary Buescher –, and the Finance Department Liaison (Elliot Baker –, who are responsible for managing and tracking our organizational finances. Their functions typically include planning, organizing, auditing, and accounting for and reporting on the non-profit’s finances. See the Staff & CoCo page for bios and specific duties.
Finance Department Hours
The Finance Department is generally open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. To ensure a staff member is going to be available, please make an appointment ahead of time. If you’re unsure who to meet with, reach out to
Appointments with Kyle can be made at this link, and appointments with Elliot can be made at this link. For appointments with Mary, send an email to
If you need a meeting outside of the availability offered in the scheduling links, reach out via email and we’ll work with you!
Vice President for Finance
Elected by the Board of Directors (BoD) to chair the Finance Committee (FinCom). Their functions typically include holding regular meetings with the DFS, preparing reports, advising the BoD, training members, administering the budget, and ensuring transparency in our financial practices and procedures.
Finance Committee
FinCom consists of the VP for Finance, the Finance Department Liaison, and assigned BoD Reps, with Treasurers being highly encouraged to join. Their functions typically include creating the annual budget, reviewing payment plans, awarding scholarships, and overseeing the Strategic Plan’s long-term financial goals.
Treasurers (TR)
Every house elects a TR to manage and track house finances. Their functions typically include establishing a house budget, tracking house expenses, and reconciling house purchases. For an additional overview of the position visit the House Officers page.
Member Assistants (MA)
Members contribute critical labor to assist in keeping our homes affordable through the Member Assistants Program. Their functions typically include entering data, analyzing expenses, updating records, and filing member information.