Pet type Examples: cat, dog, rodent, etc
As a pet-owning member in the ICC I agree to all of the following:
1. To abide by the terms, conditions, policies, and processes outlined in the ICC Pet Policy (Standing Rule 12.4) , Pet Addendum, and my house constitution. This Addendum is not valid unless or until it is signed by ICC Housing staff.
2. I may be subject to fines, penalty labor, referral, expulsion, the withdrawal of house or ICC pet approval, and the removal of my pet(s) from ICC premises at my expense for any violation of the aforementioned policies.
3. Recruit a suitable replacement or buyout my contract in accordance with the ICC Standing Rules, in the event that approval of my pet(s) is withdrawn in the course of my membership contract, making it difficult or impossible for me to reside in the ICC. Withdrawal of pet approval is not sufficient grounds for an automatic contract release.
4. Only the pet(s) listed and described above is authorized under this pet agreement. Additional or other pets must be approved by the House and the ICC.
5. Accept full responsibility and liability for any damage, injury, or legal actions arising from or caused by my pet(s).
6. I warrant that my pet(s) has no history of causing threat or harm to persons or property, such as biting, scratching, chewing, etc., and further warrant that the pet(s) has no vicious history or tendencies.
7. To act with reasonable care to insure that my pet(s) do not interfere with the use and quiet enjoyment of the ICC premises by any member, staff, or guest.
8. I will take care to insure that my pet(s) do not cause offense, annoyance, trouble, or injury to any person or property. This includes: danger; damage; a nuisance; excessive noise; smells or shedding; a maintenance, sanitation, or health hazard; soiling of the house, premises, grounds, common areas, walks, parking areas, landscaping, or gardens.
9. Register my pet(s) in accordance with local laws and requirements.
10. Immunize my pet(s) in accordance with local laws and requirements.
11. Spay/neuter my pet(s) and provide proof of vaccinations and spay/neuter status to the ICC Office.
12. That my pet(s) is housebroken and I will promptly clean up and properly dispose of ay waste, debris, or odor caused by my pet anywhere on ICC premises.
13. Feed my pet(s) indoors.
14. Never to stake out or leave my pet(s) unattended in common or outdoor areas anywhere on ICC property.
15. Never to allow my pet in kitchens, dining rooms, and food storage areas.
16. Notify house members, ICC staff, contractors, and other personnel authorized to enter my room that I have a pet(s) when work is being done in my room/apartment.
17. Remove my pet(s) from ICC premises within seven days of receiving notice from the House or ICC when approval of my pet has been withdrawn.
18. To the removal of my pet by the ICC for any of the following reasons: owner neglect, mistreatment, inability to care for the animal, becoming a nuisance to the house with regards to damage, noise, odor, violent or aggressive behavior, or any policy or process violation.
19. Dogs: To control my dog at all times. Excessive barking may be considered a violation. Animal waste is to be picked up immediately by the owner and disposed of properly (securely bagged). Odors arising from waste will not be tolerated. Dogs must remain on a leash while in unfenced areas, as required by city code. Dog owners must purchase and show proof of a renter’s insurance policy with a liability clause that covers the dog.
20. The following dog breeds are not allowed: Pitbull, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Rottweiler, Chow, Doberman, Akita, any non-domesticated breed or a mix of any of these breeds.
21. Cats: To control my cat at all times. To regularly clean its litter box and to securely bag and properly dispose of all waste. Odors arising from waste will not be tolerated.
22. Caged animals: To keep my pets properly caged at all times. To insure that seeds and droppings are shielded or caught to prevent accumulation and/or damage to carpeting/floors. To control all odors caused my pet.
23. That ICC staff or house officers reserve the right to enter a member’s room if there is worry of injury or neglect to the animal and the member cannot be contacted.
24. That any pet(s) left unattended for more than 24 hours whose health is jeopardized by the member’s neglect, mistreatment, or inability to care for the animal shall be reported to the appropriate legal authority. If the legal authority chooses to remove the pet(s), the ICC and House accept no responsibility for the pet(s) removed.