Providing affordable student housing since 1932

Reasons Why ICC & Co-ops

The Inter-Cooperative Council is a 600 member-strong student housing co-op in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in a network of sixteen houses in the city. First established in 1932, the ICC continues to provide affordable housing for those interested in diverse, active, and democratic communities.

We Own It!

In joining the ICC, you become a member and an owner. You answer to the people you live with, rather than to landlords or the University. By pooling resources, we are able to live on our own terms.

Diverse Communities

We have a proud legacy of diversity, and are constantly trying to make our houses more inclusive and supportive. We also are a social bunch, with all kinds of events planned throughout the year; everything from alumni meetups, camping trips, open mics, costume parties, work holidays, and more.

Diverse Opportunities

Many alumni have credited their time with the ICC as profoundly  important to their lives and careers. As a member, you have the chance to learn new skills and put them into practice. We have an active Education Committee that puts together workshops and skill shares, and an Education Center to host events.


The ICC is not just a place to sleep. We all contribute equally, through cooking communal meals, sharing chores, and participation in the decision-making process. The ICC’s Board is made up of representatives of each house, who discuss and vote on various issues, such as budgets and policies. Everyone has the opportunity (and responsibility) to make their voice heard.