Providing affordable student housing since 1932

What Does It Cost?

The benefits keep coming when it comes to saving on expensive Ann Arbor living

ICC Charges are set each year by the Board of Directors, made up of members from each of the ICC houses. House charges cover food and supplies and are decided by each house individually. For a more detailed breakdown of charges, see this page.

ICC Charges for May 2025 – April 2026 are expected to be decided by February 24th, 2025. House charges for spring/summer 2025 (May 2025 – August 2025) are decided at the house level during May. House charges for fall/winter 2025-26 (September 2025 – April 2026) are decided at the house level during September.

2024-25 Charges Information

Monthly Total ICC Charges & Utilities  House Charges
(A+B = Total) (A) (B)
Black Elk $889 $719 $170
Debs $852 $719 $133
Gregory $839 $719 $120
Johnson-Rivera $847 $719 $128
Linder $855 $719 $136
Luther $874 $719 $155
MichMinnies $860 $719 $141
Nakamura $864 $719 $145
Osterweil $823 $719 $104
Owen $846 $719 $127
Ruths’ $846 $719 $127
Truth $856 $719 $137
Vail $825 $719 $106

Small Single: $995
Large Single: $1100
Double: $947


Small Single: $851
Large Single: $956
Double: $803


Small Single: $989
Large Single: $1088
Double: $822


Small Single: $660
Large Single: $759
Double: $493








2025-26 ESTIMATED Charges Information

Last updated: 1/13/2025

Monthly Total ICC Charges & Utilities

Fall/Winter PLUS Spring/Summer 2026


ICC Charges & Utilities

Fall/Winter contract only


House Charges
Black Elk $939-$978 $763 $802 $176
Debs $896-$935 $763 $802 $133
Gregory $883-$922 $763 $802 $120
Johnson-Rivera $891-$930 $763 $802 $128
Linder $899-$938 $763 $802 $136
Luther $918-$957 $763 $802 $155
MichMinnies $904-$943 $763 $802 $141
Nakamura $908-$947 $763 $802 $145
Osterweil $883-$922 $763 $802 $120
Owen $890-$929 $763 $802 $127
Ruths’ $868-$907 $763 $802 $105
Truth $900-$939 $763 $802 $137
Vail $873-$912 $763 $802 $110

Small Single: $1034-$1080
Large Single: $1143-$1195
Double: $985-$1028


Small Single: $899
Large Single: $1008
Double: $850


Small Single: $945
Large Single: $1060
Double: $893




Small Single: $1047-$1073
Large Single: $1147-$1191
Double: $875-$902


Small Single: $702
Large Single: $802
Double: $530


Small Single: $728
Large Single: $846
Double: $557










8 month contracts not offered

